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Blogspot Reboot, a second try

Making a blog in blogspot is still tempting nowadays. I'm running several blog in spare time. I have some blogs in WordPress platform and a lot of blog in blogspot platform. Comparing between these two is always tempting as WordPress looks professional but need some investment, while the blogspot is just free as it can be. No need any penny and we can start blogging. I've created a blogspot base blog talking about how to blog in blogspot. I purchase custom domain at However, some how i did not manage to extend the domain and now the domain is being used for some chinese website that i don't really know. My mistake, probably i don't need the custom domain from the first place. Just rely on the blogspot domain that is free and absolutely free from maintenance as well. In this post i really want to reboot my blogging experience in blogspot and prove that i can gain something from this blogging platform. This is my second try on writing blogging e
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